Travel and Tourism in Rochester NY
Page Status:
First Listed: 8/17/2012

Travel and Tourism in Rochester NY

VoyageTrek is a worldwide travel portal featuring tours, cruises, safaris and adventure travel. It helps people find their ideal vacation. You can search by activity or destination for tour operators and outfitters offering guided vacations, information compiled by editors and through direct submissions from tour operators.

In The Loop
Page Status:
First Listed: 8/13/2007

In The Loop

Travel and Tourism in Rochester NY

Sightseeing tour in Rochester, New York. Rochester Hotel reservations. Hotels in Rochester, NY. Tours for Cat Fast Ferry passengers from Toronto to Rochester.

Koning DayTours
Page Status:
First Listed: 8/13/2007

Koning DayTours

Travel and Tourism in Rochester NY

Koning Day Tours custom designed tours specializing in group travel via motorcoach, air and rail.DayTours operates a variety of one day tours to destinations in New York, Pennsylvania, and the province of Ontario.

Rochester Heritage Area
Page Status:
First Listed: 8/13/2007

Rochester Heritage Area

Travel and Tourism in Rochester NY

The Center at High Falls Visitor Center is the place to start your visit of Rochester. Located in the national register Browns Race Historic District. Helpful guides and a marvelous overview of area history, geography, commerce and culture.

Rochester Museum and Science Center
Page Status:
First Listed: 10/5/2008

Rochester Museum and Science Center

Travel and Tourism in Rochester NY

Share the fun of discovery at the Rochester Museum and Science Center, located in Rochester, NY. Hands-on exhibits, planetarium shows, and much more.
Rochester Museum and Science Center